Rare Breast X-ray Findings
![Rare Breast X-ray Findings Picture Rare Breast X-ray Findings Picture](pic/several-rare-breast-X-ray-molybdenum-target-h5-01.jpg)
Several rare types breast cancer X-ray performances are as follow:
1. Paget’s disease(also called eczematoid carcinoma): tumor exist in primary duct growth to the nipple and areola direction and easy clinical diagonosis, X-ray found no abnormalities.
Clinical manifestation: Often occurs in middle-aged women, in the early stage nipple will inching, redness, followed by nipple and areola eczema, nipple erosion or crack-like form. If the disease continues to develop to form to form large areas of erosion, skin thickening, and severe cases can occur as part or the entire nipple.
Pathology: the papilla and mammary areola’s inner cuticle has paget cell which is the only reason to diagnose this disease. The character of cell is: cells large, round, transparent cytoplasm and small nuclei.
Typical X-ray mammography:
1) The nipple and areola change: as tumor cell invasion, lymphatic expansion, the formation of the nipple and areola skin thickening;
2) After areola the catheter enhanced, stiffness
3) there are mass in the breast, rarely show up or small size
4) Calcification, prone, more common in the sediment samples, clusters or into a sheet, the nipple and areola inner calcification and areola large duct distribution calcification is the main characteristic of the disease.
2. Inflammatory breast cancer: also called cancerous mastitis or erysipelas carcinoma
Clinical manifestation: it often occurs in the large hanging breast rapid development, a wide range, accompanied axillary lymph node and distant metastasis, mainly performances redness, swelling, heat, pain and other inflammatory conditions.
3. Phyllodes tumors: it is a dual differerntiation fiber epithelial tumor
Clinical manifestation: Rare, patients generally good, 40 to 59 years more common, tumor slow growth, longer duration, more occured in unilateral breast, located in the upper outer quadrant, during palpation can touch huge mass which is showing round or lobulated and the surface nodular of it is mixed hard and soft, border clearance, activities.
Pathology: Tumors usually showing lobulated shape which is quality and tough, and has clear boundary, a complete capsule, cut surface white or a variety of colors. Small tumor is varacity and big one can see cyst cavity and there are brown fluid, blood clots or jelly-like material, neoplastic foci often appear necrosis or hemorrhage within myxoid change.
Microscopy: constitute by the epithelial component and rich stromal cells; according to quantity of leydig cell, heterocyst and mitosis divided into benign, malignant and borderline.
Typical X-ray mammography:
1) Small tumors showed round the edges smooth nodules, uniform density;
2) Large tumors who showed lobulated shape, uneven density, but the edge is smooth, rare burr and other malignant signs;
3) Calcification is rare and accounting for about 8% was thick irregular or flaky calcification. Using X-ray mammography judgment of benign and malignant typing is difficult, in general, tumor diameter greater than 8cm more malignant, fast-growing, short doubling time, as malignant 36 days, benign of 165 to 638 days.
4. Malignant lymphoma: Rare, accounting for 0.12 to 0.53 percent of malignant tumors.
Clinical manifestation: The age distribution symptoms and signs, and others of maligant lymphoma are similar to the breast cancer, mainly breast lumps. It has a primary and secondary two kinds.
Mammography X-ray performances: malignant lymphoma can be expressed as two types, one is nodular, diffuse another type
1) Nodules tppe: round or other type of mass, the edge may have varying degrees glitches or irregular, sometimes clear edge, like benign., less skin involvement.
2) Diffuse: diffuse lesions, often involving more than a quarter of the breast, unclear border, skin most accompanied by diffuse edema, thickening, malignant often has axillary lymph nodes.